Twenty Random Things About Me
1. I've read the Bible all the way through five times. The first time was when I was 13. Reading the Bible is what really drove me away from the church. I started noticing how people would take scripture out of context and twist it to their uses. I started noticing that the God in the Bible was not the same God in the church. When I asked the adults in the church about it, they told me I was too young to understand and don't talk to the other kids about it. One day, the pastor of the church I was attending had the congregation pray for the unsaved to be so miserable and tortured that they would turn to God. I walked out.
2. When I was a kid, my dream car was a station wagon and my dream home was a RV. My dream car is still a station wagon. My dream home is clean.
3. I am an introvert. That does not mean I'm shy or antisocial. I'm very comfortable being by myself, I have a small group of close friends, trust is very important to me, group situations drain me and I'm the stereotypical writer. It's rare for me to wear bright colored clothing or clothes that aren't comfortable. I am a topnotch observer, but I promise you that I'm not psychic.
4. I'm VERY honest, even when it would do me better to lie. This is a conscious decision I made years ago. It's not because I can't lie or that I'm not good at lying. I choose not to lie. So, if you ask me a question, you had best be asking the question with the knowledge that I will answer bluntly and truthfully. Asking me how I like your hair could be a hazard to you, your hairdresser, me and our friendship. I do not have diarrhea of the mouth, though. Being honest doesn't mean telling everyone everything. Being honest doesn't mean I have to answer the person as thoroughly as possible. If someone has told me a secret, asked me not to tell anybody, or just seems inappropriate to share information, I will simply say, "I can't answer that," or "That's none of your business."
5. It takes a lot to get me mad. A LOT. But, when I am mad, I am BRUTAL and I will come for your soul. I also get over being mad pretty darn quickly and am extremely forgiving...that is, if you survived the BRUTAL stage.
6. I have very bad eyesight. Even with glasses on, the world has a slight blur around the edges. I also have issues telling distance and I can't hang a picture straight to save my life. At night, it's hard for me to tell where the traffic lights are or how far or close cars are to me. If it's raining, I'm really screwed. I adapted by being really sensitive to motion, memorizing routes, and using logic to figure out how the road is going to go, where people are going to go, and looking for perpendicular streets to tell me where the traffic light is probably going to be. I also try not to drive that often at night. Surprisingly, my driving is pretty good, but I do get honked at on occasion for not taking a left turn that the people behind me think I could have taken just fine. They're probably right, but better safe than dead.
7. I have excellent hearing, sense of smell, and taste buds. I know what you said about me, I know who farted, and I know your secret ingredient.
8. I ruin magic tricks. I can't help myself. If somebody does a magic trick for me, the urge for me to tell them how they did it is extremely strong. I'm the same way about jokes. If I know the answer, I will tell you the answer and ruin the joke. I also ruin movies.
9. I ruin magic tricks, jokes and movies because I am very logical. I would get along well with Spock and Data from Star Trek. Due to my logic, I am very good at putting things together and solving logic puzzles. One of my friends used to tell me all the time to keep my logic in my pocket.
10. Speaking of Data and Spock, I also don't emote well. I am hard to read and it's hard to tell what I'm thinking. I am not aware that I'm doing this. I only know that this happens because many people have told me so. If you're not sure if I'm kidding or not or you want to know how I feel about something, it is best to ask rather than try to figure out my body language and tone.
11. I find beauty in the odd, especially in life. Bats are cute, Mola molas are amazing, the jellyfish is my favorite animal of all, and legless amphibians have gorgeous color. When you go ew, I'll probably go aw. If you ask me why I think it's beautiful or cute, I will tell you in detail. I do not say something is cute or beautiful to be different or cool, I SEE the beauty, and I wish everybody could.
12. I love cryptozoology. Who doesn't? I have a bigfoot statue peeking out from under my shrubbery.
13. Purple is my favorite color. Purple amethyst is my favorite stone. I wish my car was purple. I would paint my whole house shades of purple if I could get away with it. But, I only have one purple shirt.
14. I am 32 and just learned to use the mower for the first time yesterday.
15. I love puns. The lamer, the better. When I'm feeling down, I can always count on my friends to send an awesome pun my way. Their reaction to making a pun is even punnier.
16. I'm a chocolate lover and a bit of a chocolate snob. My preference is 72% dark chocolate but I will eat up to 80% dark chocolate. Dagoba Organic chocolate is currently my favorite special treat. My favorite "cheap" chocolate is Willy Wonka's Scrumdiddlyumptious, which is being discontinued. My favorite movie theater chocolate is M&M's, especially mixed with popcorn.
17. I am careful about the music I listen to. If a song triggers sadness, moodiness, or upsetting memories, I will turn it off and/or delete it from my ipod. When I'm sad, I like to listen to the Monkees and Rob Zombie. I really like the band Blue October, but, they make me melancholy, so I rarely listen to them.
18. I'm married to a man who puts up with some of my quirks and loves the other ones. I'm happy to say he's just as quirky. We have been married for 12 years. I have taught him more than he has ever wanted to know about animals and he has taught me more than I have ever wanted to know about music. We are in a friendly war over my black cat, Henry. This war brings me much joy.
19. I got my ears pierced for the first time at the age of 32.
20. I have a strong instinct to protect others. I have always been this way. While I know how to survive the zombie apocalypse, my chances are slim because I'm the nut that will throw myself between a stranger and a zombie. I despair over this trait. Martyr siiiiiigh.
Great list! I especially like #20. I'm too damn nice and probably would die protecting another person. ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd puns? I'm pretty bad joke teller and same goes for puns. But they are funny.