Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Death is Everywhere and It's Probably Gary Busey

Number 2 on Angela's list is:  Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears. I'm going to expand on this and list 3 legitimate fears and three fears I have out of wedlock. 

Legitimate Fears:

1. I fear that if I die before Steve and before the kids are grown that the house will get so messy that it will become unfit to live in and CPS will come and take the children away. I do not think this is an unreasonable fear. When I was on bed rest with my second pregnancy, there were so many doggy tumbleweeds rolling across the floor, I started thinking we got new pets. Not to mention the spaghetti stain on the kitchen counter that stayed there for a whole month (until I got off bed rest and wiped it off the counter). You should see the kitchen table 24 hours after I clean it off. I try to calm my fears by convincing myself that if I should die, that would mean less trips to Target, which means there would be enough money left over for a maid service. Right? Right?! I need to live!

2. I fear I will become my mother. Not so much in the personality way, but she was disabled and couldn't do much. She stayed in her room most of the time doing crossword puzzles or playing a handheld video game. Sometimes she moved out to the living room to get some sun from the window and watch soap operas or a movie. She could also drive and we took long drives in the country. Really, I have pleasant memories of and with my mother in all three of those places, but we didn't really get to go out and do things. No zoo, no walks, no mall trips, no vacations, no swimming and rarely the movies. She didn't clean with me, do the laundry with me, or the dishes, and it was rare for her to sit in the kitchen and help us cook. I know she missed doing those things too. I know I would miss doing these things with my kids or doing things for them. But, I have a lot of health issues, and I fear that one day I'll be unable to do. Yeah, I meant to end there. I'm afraid I won't be able to Do. 

3. I have a 15-year-old min. schnauzer named Mickey that I've had since I was 17. He's senile and has some health issues. I know that I will eventually have to put him down or I'll find him dead. Knowing that moment is lurking around the corner scares me. This scares me more than my MIL's current cancer scare. I think because Mickey's eminent death offers a distraction. I don't have to look to closely at my MIL's health issues because we're not sure what's going on right now and I KNOW for a fact Mickey's time is short. 

Illegitimate Fears:

1. Gary Busey: It was really hard not to put him on my Legitimate list. That man is terrifying. Jake Busey is pretty scary too. I have some pretty mean friends that like to post Busey pictures on my facebook page sometimes. Jerks.

2. Needles: When I get a shot or have blood drawn, I have to stay seated for awhile so I won't faint. At least I have sense enough to get my shots and let them draw my blood. 

3. Roaches: When I was little, a tiny roach climbed into my ear while I was sleeping. It was very loud and I was terrified that it would never come out. Of course, my mother got it out and all was fine. But, my husband handles all wayward roaches and we're on a pest control contract. 

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